Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cold Frame, Quilting, Canning, Maggie and Music Mania!

My friends and clients have been asking me what I have been up to lately. Depending on the day it is canning, quilting, working in the garden, working with Maggie's training for Canine Good Citizen or prepping a lesson for primary music time. No matter what it is, I am busy and love it!

Each day has been filled with the oncoming winter, and the need to get everything ready to get snowed/frozen in. So I am trying to finish up things in the yard with the big project this fall of getting our cold frame installed and planted. We are 75% there! Today I hope to get the "lights"/windows painted and ready to install. Peas need to get in the ground too, but the climbing support needs to get installed. Just need to get busy with it.

I have several quilts being pieced right now. Trying to finish my loose end projects, and be able to start fresh on some of the more of my larger ideas. Just want to get all the clutter out. I recently pulled out my "Lessons From Mama" book and got back to work on that quilt. Started it 4 years ago in a beginners class at the local quilt store. So this one is on the design wall and is being finished up. More on this one later

I did get my log cabin quilt finished up and to Mom's for quilting. Talking to her on the phone this week I learned it is out of the bag and hung in the entry way for inspiration.

I only got this photo of it before sewing all the blocks together. I added piano keys for a border and shipped it without taking a final photos. So I hope mom will send me one of it hanging in the entry way. Love all the colors in this quilt.

With the Fall here and a hurry to get my garden cleaned up, the last of the canning season is upon us. I need to get my tomatoes finished up, salsa, and a few more whole tomatoes done up. It is going to be epic! I think three more bushels will do it. Then I need to work on pears and apples. I would love to do more... but time is a thing of this world and it can be a little crazy when we don't have enough.

I was recently released as the Relief Society President at church and have a new calling as the Primary Music Leader. I LOVE MY NEW CALLING! Creative, fun and with loving children that are always happy to see you! Each week I try to craft a new project that will inspire the children to learn the songs that are filled with beauty and doctrine of gospel. Nothing warms my heart more than sitting next to a child, have them take the music we were just singing and read the words while trying to remember the melody they just learned. So inspiring! I love these children.

Lastly, my Maggie. She is so much love! Forever my little companion. Follows me for everything in the house. We have been working hard the two of us with her training. The AKC has a program called Canine Good Citizen that helps dog lovers work with their animals in a fun way, teaching them the skills and abilities they need to have happy doggies. Maggie is improving each week with her classes and shows it around the house. We work together each day to make sure she will be ready on test day. Therapy Dog Maggie is not to far away. 

Hope this gives a little insight to my blog info and the fun that will come and I update and show my projects. 

Love and light to all! 

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